You will find an efficient “drive through” drop off process when you arrive at your scheduled time on the first Sunday of your scheduled camp session. We have found this system is extremely helpful in fostering our mission of ‘Growing Independent Girls’, and easier for the campers to say goodbye to their parents in the car and jump right into camp life.

This allows them to establish independence from the start - unloading and setting up their stuff, making their bed, meeting their bunkmates and counselors, is much easier to do on their own. They quickly find the support and encouragement of their counselors and other cabin mates, and all help each other - creating the unique cabin bond right away.


Of course we understand that staying in the car might be hard for some parents! You might want to see their cabin, meet their counselors and make sure their bunk is all set up. We want drop off to be a positive experience for parents as well. To this end we have the following solutions:

**If you have never been to RRR, or haven’t been in a while, we encourage you and your camper to sign up for a camp tour. Click here to see the dates and times available and reserve your spot. Our leadership team would love to meet you, show you and your camper around camp, answer any questions you may have and give you a chance to see the facilities. If none of the available dates work for you and you need to schedule a private tour just contact our camp office. Note that we won't be able to do any tours after the first session begins so please plan accordingly.

*We will be emailing you photos and biographies of each of the counselors prior to check-in (generally the day before camp session begins). This will help you get to know the staff and have a better idea of who your daughter will be spending her session with. The staff will also be outside the cabin, greeting you and helping the girls grab their stuff. Feel free to chat with them, ask questions and pass along any vital information at that time.

*On the first day of camp we will send a camp photographer to each cabin to snap a photo of each girl on her bunk. The photos of each girl by her bunk will be uploaded for purchase/viewing with all the other snapshots taken throughout the session, giving parents the opportunity to visualize her cabin and bunk area.


We will be staggering drop off times. It is very important to follow these times as closely as possible to ease overcrowding on our narrow roadways and prevent traffic jams. We appreciate your patience and understanding throughout this process!
Cabin assignments will be emailed before arrival - see below for specific drop off times. If you have multiple campers to check in, please get the camper in the earlier time slot settled first and then check in your second daughter.

1:30 All SIT 2's, Western Empress and All Wagons

2:15 All sections of Circle B

2:45 Bar Nada and Bar K

3:15 Lazy D


There is no need to arrive early since all beds are pre-assigned. We will give more instructions upon arrival to direct you to the drive through stations. All can easily be done without exiting your vehicle. Stations will include a place to:

•Drop off your camper’s medication and talk to the nurse
•Drop off any letters and/or your max of two care packages per week
•Counselors will be at the cabins to assist your camper in unloading her items. It would be ideal if all items were packed so that it's easy to grab and go!


You can leave letters/cards on check-in day (6x8 inch envelopes or smaller) or use the one-way email system (via your online account) and we will print and deliver your messages to your campers. We will mail out any letters or cards that your camper writes during her session.

You may also leave a max of two packaged envelopes (2 in the one week sessions, 4 in the two week sessions and 3 in the ten day session) to be delivered during her session. Packages must be in a sealed postal envelope (no bigger than 10.5x15). Packages not in sealed envelopes of the approved sizes will not be accepted! Be sure to put your campers name, cabin and day you want delivered clearly on the outside of the envelope. You can purchase these envelopes at Target, Walmart, etc. or purchase one at drop off for a minimal fee.

You may also order through our online Canteen Store at There are lots of items to choose from including some pre-made care packages - look for a flyer with these options to be emailed in early April. You can easily purchase items ahead of time or during the session via your online account. If ordering during a session, your order must be placed by 8pm to be delivered the next day. Remember, no letters or packages will be delivered on Sundays or check out day!


<Camper Name>
<Cabin Name>
100 Flite Acres
P.O. Box 109
Wimberley, TX 78676

If you want to send care packages, we suggest sending a small package the first day or two, and saving a special one for the last couple of days at camp. For a child experiencing a little homesickness, a letter suggesting a surprise at the end of the session gives her something fun to look forward to.

After you’ve checked in at your camper’s cabin, kissed her goodbye and dropped off any medications/mail, you have completed the check-in process! Your camper will move on to having a swim check, lice check and getting to know her cabin group.

Rocky River Ranch | Summer Camp Programs

Summer Camp Programs

The perfect summer is waiting for your daughter aged 5 to 14 at Rocky River— filled to the brim with new friendships, challenging activities and, most importantly, lots of fun! Check out our day camp and resident camp options.

Rocky River Ranch | Weekend Programs

Weekend Programs

In the hot summer months, we’re an all-girls camp, but the rest of the year, we offer year ‘round fun at our Great Escapes for women and Mother-Daughter weekends!

Rocky River Ranch | Event Rentals

Event Rentals

Rocky River Ranch is the perfect solution for your special event! We host family reunions, church retreats, teacher work days, company picnics, Girl Scout groups, and more with lodging for up to 135 guests.

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Rocky River Ranch experience


Mama Knolk — what a wonderful and gentle lady. She always wanted the best for us and for us to be our best.

‒  Jeanette Brian Lawrence Years at camp: 1960s

I loved my counselors, I loved the river, and even learned how to sail on Canyon Lake. I still sing all the old camp songs that we sang every day after lunch to my little girl, who's five, every night before bed. I always end with, 'I love the mountains, I love the rolling hills ...' and then Taps.

‒  Shannon McCann Years at camp: 1966-1975

I loved performing on stage and modeling in the fashion show. I learned how to shoot a bow and arrow, and how to do synchronized swimming. I wrote a 'Snoopy' column for the newspaper. In fact, a lot of the things I loved then are things I still love today.

‒  Shannon McCann Years at camp: 1966-1975

We still can't believe it has been 50 years since my mother, Mama Knolk, started RRR. We are so proud that it is still the same as she built it and still has the same spirit upon which it was founded. Our children and grandchildren have had the wonderful opportunity to attend camp and we all can still sing some of the songs when we get together. May the spirit of Mama Knolk stay with all that have attended RRR.

‒  Polly Knolk Denham

I think camp was very beneficial for my daughter last year. She came home with new experiences that she will never forget. It's something that she is able to share with her friends and schoolmates too. It made a huge impact on her and I hope by going again this year that she continues to grow and mature as a thoughtful young lady.

‒  Robin Juarez

I honestly believe that I wouldn't be the same person if not for my many years at Rocky River, and each year that passes makes me more aware of the grace I found here and the gift of the chance to become one of the few ... a Rocky River girl. To the land of the triple R, I pledge my heart to you!

‒  Alyson Stringer Steakley Years at camp: '82-'89, 1993