In order to check out, you (or any authorized pick-up person) MUST HAVE PHOTO ID.

All authorized persons must be listed on your online RRR account.

All sessions except Session 3 end on the last Friday afternoon of the session. Session 3 (the 10 day session) ends on Tuesday, July 1st. 

Check out day is such a fun opportunity to see the campsite, visit with the staff and let your camper show off!

The format is an “open house” style so that families can participate in the Drama Show, shop in the Canteen and have the opportunity to visit the barn and other areas around camp. Exact details will be emailed specific for your camp session as we get closer, but the layout will be something like this:

1:30 Front Gate Opens - Be sure to bring your photo ID and have it ready as we will check it at the front gate and have you sign out your camper. If someone other than you is picking up your camper, please make sure they are listed as an “authorized pickup” in your online account.

You will be directed to park near your camper’s cabin and all of the girls will be waiting in their cabins. You can go inside, meet her counselors and friends, and help her get all of her belongings. If you have multiple campers, we suggest parking between the cabins to make it easier to carry their stuff.

At that point you are free to head out or walk around camp with your daughter. There will be watermelon and lemonade at the Grubstake, the Canteen Store will be open for shopping, the barn will be open for 'Meet and Greet' with the animals, and of course you can take a peek at other class locations at your own pace.

As you know, our roadways are narrow and we have limited parking spaces. Please be aware of parking so you don’t block in others (or block the flow of traffic) and also please DRIVE SLOWLY as the campers are used to running around camp freely without the concern of cars.

2:30ish Drama Show begins in the 49er - all are welcome to come watch the dance class perform a short routine (and any other classes that want to perform, each session is a little different) and watch the drama class put on their performance.

Please contact us with any specific questions about Check Out Day.

Rocky River Ranch | Summer Camp Programs

Summer Camp Programs

The perfect summer is waiting for your daughter aged 5 to 14 at Rocky River— filled to the brim with new friendships, challenging activities and, most importantly, lots of fun! Check out our day camp and resident camp options.

Rocky River Ranch | Weekend Programs

Weekend Programs

In the hot summer months, we’re an all-girls camp, but the rest of the year, we offer year ‘round fun at our Great Escapes for women and Mother-Daughter weekends!

Rocky River Ranch | Event Rentals

Event Rentals

Rocky River Ranch is the perfect solution for your special event! We host family reunions, church retreats, teacher work days, company picnics, Girl Scout groups, and more with lodging for up to 135 guests.

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Rocky River Ranch experience


Another favorite camp memory that lives on is the camp songs. I have sung them to my kids when they were babies … and still sing to them to wake them up in the morning ("Good morning to You!"). Last summer my daughter went to camp for the first time (at age 6). She had a great time and is looking forward to going again this summer. She sings camp songs almost daily (I'm ready for her to learn a few new ones other than "Boom Boom, Ain't it Great to be Crazy?" and "I Wish I Were a Little Bar of Soap")!

‒  Patti Scott Gillman Years at camp: 1972-1985

RRR gives young women the chance to excel in areas where they may not have ever had a chance to before … and an opportunity to gain self esteem and confidence. These are such amazing and important gifts that will stay with campers their entire lives. This is why RRR will forever be a "home" to its campers. A place where they feel accepted, and loved and special.

‒  Margaret "Meg" Beecher Lowery Years at camp: '89-2000, 2005

I loved RRR from the second I saw it. The smell of the cedar trees sure was heaven compared to the pollution of Dallas. I only got to stay for two weeks that first summer, which was way too short a time. I rode the horses, shot up targets, and made stuff in the crafts hut. I know I made it down to the river a few times. It was the year that I got my red tie in the horseback department and I was sooooo proud! I got to stand in front of the campfire while the campers all went berserk over my accomplishment. I feel so lucky to have the memories that I do and those are of RRR. I don't remember much about my childhood, but I remember everything about RRR and how much I loved going there every summer. It was heaven on earth.

‒  Libby Walker Dunagan Years at camp: 1965-1967, 1969-1974

I’ve told my family that if I’m ever missing, can’t take the real world, think I need to drive away, they will find me at Rocky River Ranch. I’m now 41 years old, a mother of two and every time I turn down Flite Acres Road it is like going home and it makes me cry because I am so happy to be there. I had seven glorious summers at camp and I cherish every memory I carry with me.

‒  Jonica Crosby Cason Years at camp: 1977-1983

I would definitely not be the person I am today without the experience of camp. I remember being 7 years old and so excited about my first camp experience. I don't think I slept the entire night before leaving. When I arrived at camp it was the most wonderful place I had ever seen. Rue was my first counselor and she took the time to show me around and introduced me to the other girls. I was scared at first, but it did not last long. By the end of the first night camp already felt like a second home. By the end of my first two weeks I did not want to leave. Rocky River was a part of my life forever. In the end what I took away from camp was friendship, love, respect and confidence.

‒  Debbie Merian Polasek Years at camp: 1977-1987

Attending RRR is a tradition in my family — aunts, cousins, sisters, and best friends all have great memories that we still talk about today. I am waiting for the summer that my daughter is old enough to attend and experience the same wonderful times that I had. My memories of summers at RRR are so special to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Skeet and Sandy, and all of the staff from every session, for the ten years of summertime bliss!

‒  Melissa Ross Crispin Years at camp: 1984-1994